
The project


This project was created at the beginning of the 2017 year.


to complete

About the authors

GALODE Alexandre

Breizh Citizen (Fr)

Member of website Developpez.com, and Python expert. He works everyday on Python project for various customers. Passionates by technic and history, this project was an opportunity to conciliate both passions.


Breizh Citizen (Fr)

History professor, expert in WWI, WWII and Napoleon periods.


All the delivered code is under licence GPLV3. So you use code at your own risk. Authors made for the better, using dedicated tools and serious research, to guarantee as better as possible the best code quality and reporoduced the most exactly ENIGMA comportment.

Tools used

To guarantee a optimal code quality, we used Pylint, and McCabe packages. All the code was written under Pycharm Communauty IDE. ”.idea” directory is present on the bitbucket repository.

About historical realism of ENIGMA devices, we made many research to be as precised as possible. Feel free to contact us if you think there is a problem somewhere in the code.